Sagan Speak セイガンスピーク
Are you a good teacher?
Helping you get to where you want to be.
NET application form for Japan and overseas
Welcome to Sagan Speak Language Education company.

Established in 1992, Sagan Speak has developed into one of the most progressive, truly educational companies doing some very unique, ground breaking work in language learning systems and teaching approaches. Our portfolio of school clients contains some very prestigious names that rely not just on the teaching staff we are able to provide, but on our growing range of educational support from original publications to a popular writing centre, offering a highly advanced system to evaluate written work and personal tutoring.

Sagan Speak Language Education company employs a certain number of teaching staff from many different walks of life and teaching experiences. Primarily, our teaching staff work at PRIVATE elementary, junior and senior high schools. There exists, in some of the school placements an International schools department where our more experienced teaching staff would be teaching subject content ? humanities, mathematics or sciences inside of a global arts program. Advanced level English language / literature / discussion / debate and presentation courses for ‘returnee’ students are typically taught. Teaching opportunities also exist for BILINGUAL or MULTI-LINGUAL teachers with a native level of English and high level fluency in other languages (French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean etc). Teachers that are primarily interested in teaching English, but feel able to teach their second or third language are welcomed.

Specialized Industries/Fields
  • Licensed by the Japanese government as a dispatch agency for placing native speakers of English and other languages into kindergartens, elementary, junior and senior high schools and colleges.
  • Writing and publishing language teaching and learning textbooks for children, teenagers and young adults. Awarded patent rights for unique language learning systems.
  • Designing language learning curricula for all types of English and other language based courses.
  • Fully operational writing centre offering a highly advanced system to evaluate written work and personal tutoring.
  • Writing special school English entrance exams. High grade recording facilities available for listening tests.
  • Diagnostic evaluation of teaching practice.
  • Teacher training support for native and Japanese teachers of English.
  • Educational consultancy and human counselling services.
Teaching Staff and Teacher Training Support
There are a certain number of teaching staff working for Sagan Speak from many different walks of life and teaching experiences.
An intensive Teacher Training Program developed to aid all levels of teaching experience is available for new teachers before being placed in their respective schools. Ongoing in-house training seminars, workshops and lectures will also be made available for new and old teachers alike to further develop their skills.
Future openings
Please visit the "WHAT'S NEW" page to see our openings from April 2025 & general jobs advertisement for the 2025/2026 school year. Job specific details will appear periodically so we encourage you to visit this page regularly.

>>See our "WHAT'S NEW" page
Teaching Subjects Other than ESL
We are teaching primary and secondary school Japanese students with a high level of English language proficiency. We also teach non Japanese students in an International School environment that have English as their first language. If you hold an education degree and home country experience to teach one or more of the following subjects; English Literature, History, Geography, Social Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and Physical Education and you are interested to learn more, then please enquire further.
Teachers will be teaching with or without Japanese English teacher support.
Teaching Schedules
For Full Time employment seekers: Please put (a) to (d) below in an order of preference.
(a) FULL TIME 5 days. Monday through Friday.
Fixed daily working time 08:30 - 16:30/17:00.

(b) FULL TIME Any 4 weekdays and Saturday.
Fixed daily working time 08:30 - 16:30/17:00.

(c) FULL TIME 5.5 days. Monday through Saturday.
Mon.?Fri. daily working time 08:30 - 16:30/17:00.
Sat. working time 08:30 - 12:30.

(d) SEMI FULL TIME 3 or 4 days between Monday through Friday.
Fixed daily working time 08:30 - 16:30/17:00.

For PART Time employment seekers: Please state how many days a week you are hoping for and what those available days and times are.
Yearly Contract
Full time teachers will have a minimum employment term of 1 year. This runs in line with the school year, starting in April and finishing in March of the following year. The employment contract can be extended upon successful completion.
Teaching Locations
We have school placements in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba and Saitama and a few rural locations.
Our teachers are using a fixed curriculum to teach oral communication courses with or without a material support package developed by the publishing arm of Sagan Speak.
We also teach highly specific composition writing courses to prepare high school students for university entrance exams and run courses to prepare for EIKEN, TOEIC, IELTS and SAT tests.
Visa Sponsorship :
Is available.
Relocation Assistance:
Is available for people needing to relocate.
Teacher Training Programmes:
Have been developed to aid all levels of teaching experience.
Minimum Teacher Requirements
  • English Level : native. Applications will also be accepted from certified teachers that have been schooled in English, but might not have grown up in a country where English is spoken as a first language.
  • Cover Letter: Mandatory.
  • Japanese Resume: If you have one, please include it in your cover letter.
  • Qualifications : Bachelor degree.
  • Teaching Experience : At least 6 months.
  • Residence: We accept resumes from people living outside of Japan.
Highly Experienced Teachers
Teachers with a teaching credential and a proven track record are extremely welcome for our school placements. Not only can we offer you a challenge that we believe you are looking for in your school work through a vast array of courses being taught, but a real chance to grow in your school and in the company. Future growth may take the form of various levels of management, educational consultancy, teacher training, textbook development and/or marketing and sales of these items.
Teachers with a native level of English and high level proficiency in other languages (French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean) and interested in primarily teaching English, but feel able to teach their second or third language are welcomed. All resumes should be submitted in English only. Cover letters in English and your second language.
Ways to Apply

Through our online application form. 

◇ You can also apply through GaijinPot

◇ Another position apply through GaijinPot

Either fax, email, or send us the following documents:
1. Cover letter. Click here to see the details required in your cover letter≫
2. Resume (in English and Japanese if available).
3. Passport size color photograph wearing formal attire and an ingratiating smile.

Address to:
Language Education Support Manager
Email: info@saganspeak.com
Fax: 03-5493-8191

Sagan Speak Co., Ltd.
No. 5 Shimokawa Building 2F, Minami Ohi 6-24-14,
Shinagawaku, Tokyo.

Selection Process

After the initial resume screening process we will invite selected candidates for an interview in Tokyo. If you pass the interview process you will be offered a teaching position. TEACHERS will be selected quickly so send your resume soon.

  English Ver. サイトマップ
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