4 countries make up the United Kingdom-
England, Scotland and Northern Ireland are 3 of them. What is the other country?
-イングランド、スコットランド、北アイルランドの3つともう一つはどこでしょう? |
What was the population of the United Kingdom in 1996? 1996年の英国の人口は? |
Who was the last monarch of the United Kingdom? 英国最後の専制君主は? |
What is the national flower of England? イングランドの国花は? |
Generally speaking the kilts is the national dress of which country? キルトは、次に挙げるどこの地方の民族衣装でしょうか? |
What is the most popular food in the United Kingdom? 英国で一番人気の食べ物は? |
How is tea, the most popular drink in the United Kingdom, usually drunk?
英国で一番好まれる紅茶の飲み方は? |
William Shakespeare was England's most famous playwright, but where was he
born? ウィリアムシェイクスピアはイングランドで最も有名な劇作家です。彼の誕生地は? |
Which university was established in 1249 and is the oldest university in the
United Kingdom? 英国で1249年に創立された最初の大学は? |
What is the most common outside leisure activity for adults in the United
Kingdom? 英国成人の最も一般的な自由時間の楽しみ方は? |