〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 2010.1. 8発行.No15(毎週金曜日発行)〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓
                 株式会社 セイガンスピーク メールマガジン

Sagan Speak Co., Ltd  English  Educational  Newsletter



■ 今 週 の I N D E X







           〓 1.気になる最近のニュース 〓

早期英会話教育:効果は? 中身なければ…でたらめ文法も


大学淘汰の時代、加速化 5私大が募集停止、廃校へ




日本への留学生、過去最多に 中国や韓国の留学熱反映




休校や学級閉鎖、ピーク時の4割に インフルエンザ




塾・習い事出費、親の年収で格差 ベネッセ調査


遠隔教育:デジタルペン使ったウェブ講座を提供 Z会とソフトバンクBB


草食化?学生、米留学に尻込み 10年で1.3万人減


10年度予算:高校授業料 私立、低所得は助成増 公立、徴収せず




公立校教員:精神疾患で休職5400人 過去最悪、16年連続の増加


就職氷河期 高校生、苦渋の進学


全国学力テスト:来年、抽出3割に縮小 「漏れても自主参加を」




全国学力テスト:自治体が公表判断 市町村の集計せず−−文科省































3.弊社所属の外国人派遣講師による日本の英語教育への提言等(その8) 〓


■今週も弊社の派遣講師Angela Stark(アンジェラ・ストーク)による、彼女の経験を通した


The holidays are over, the school year has begun, and we have entered a new decade.

 Before we get too far into this new year, though, perhaps we ought to decide how

it should be pronounced.

     There are two options for the reading of 2010:

     First, we could continue with the pattern we have been using for the previous

years of the 2000s, and say, “two thousand ten” or “two thousand and ten.”

 (The latter of the two is the more formal, British style.)

 This feels quite natural following “two thousand [and] nine.”  There is also an

elegant sound to “two thousand [and] ten” which is decidedly lacking in the


     This brings me to our second option: “twenty ten.”  Reading the year in this

manner requires one less syllable, which makes it faster and easier to pronounce.

It also follows the style of years prior to 2000—for example, 1974 was “nineteen

seventy-four;” not “one thousand nine hundred [and] seventy four.”  Furthermore,

 when we reach 2100, the shortened form will become more condensed—consider the

possible pronunciations of 2154.

     So which usage is correct?  There is much debate about this on the internet,

and people on both sides make valid points. 

The National Association of Good Grammar (ironically abbreviated as NAGG) declares

that “twenty ten” is correct.  Others argue that “two thousand ten” is entirely

acceptable.  What it comes down to, in my opinion, is what feels right for you. 

Some people say “twenty ten” sounds like a cliché science fiction movie, while

others think “two thousand ten” is unnecessarily cumbersome. 

Because languages are formed by the people who use them, it is my opinion that

 either style is correct. When a large segment of English speakers choose to use one

pronunciation, spelling, or grammatical construction rather than another, language

often changes to allow the new style.

Consider these two sentences:

1.  May I borrow a pencil?

2.  Can I borrow a pencil?

If you asked a grammarian, he or she would tell you that the first sentence is

correct and the second is incorrect.  This is because the word can talks about

ability; it does not technically ask permission.  Don’t be surprised if you ask a

strict English teacher, “Can I eat in class,” and he or she replies, “I don’t

know.  Can you?  You have teeth, don’t you?” 

Joking aside, however, can feels more natural than may to a large group of native

speakers, and as such is generally considered acceptable in all but the most formal

situations.  It is taught in a number of reputable conversation textbooks because it

is used by a large segment of native speakers.  Language is constantly changing in

a number of ways.  Sometimes it’s better to go with the current than fight against


An example of how spelling evolves through the years can be found in the name of

one of my favorite foods, the doughnut.  Wait a minute, did I spell that right?

 Isn’t there a shop called Mister Donut?  Are they spelling it wrong?

Actually, both spellings are correct.  The first known reference to these tasty

fried bits of deliciousness used the spelling doughnut and actually referred to the

round pieces cut from the middle of modern day doughnuts (or donuts)  We now call these

doughnut (or donut) holes.  Because they were pieces of dough shaped like a nut, the

word was spelled dough-nut or doughnut.  This term later came to describe not only the

ring which the “hole” came from, but also a wide variety of shapes, including

jam-filled, maple bar, and apple fritter.  Concurrently, numerous American shops and

newspapers began to use the shortened form donut and dictionaries started to list both

spellings as acceptable.  Today some writers prefer the older, more traditional form

and others enjoy the brevity and simplicity of the newer spelling. 

Like the pronunciation of 2010, this is a situation where language allows you a

choice rather than prescribing one expression as correct.  Perhaps you should consider

your new choice over a cup of coffee and a donut—or a doughnut, if you prefer.

However you decide to say it, I wish you a joyful and bright year ahead.


(Speaking of doughnuts, if your travels should ever take you my hometown of Portland, Oregon,

I highly suggest a visit to Voodoo Doughnut.  The fluorescent orange Tangfastic and triple

 chocolate Diablos Rex are especially good, but anything they make is sure to be delicious.)



 〓 4.スティーブン自叙伝(第9話の最終編) 〓


■以下は、本メルマガに連載形式にて好評掲載中の弊社 スティーブン・オーストウィック


 Sending Out A Search Party conclusion

  The food was ready and the three that went off to pick apples were now safely back with

their plunder, or should I say with their pickings and they were eagerly waiting for their

hot scram.  As we did not have any plates we would have to do the best we could with

passing the pan and the tin lid around taking it in turns to eat from them.  As far as

eating utensils were concerned, Adi had a small spoon fitted onto his Swiss army knife

so he was okay, the rest of us made do with a couple of twigs that we found that we used

as  chopsticks, that did not work very well, so we ended up using our fingers and also

passing Adis spoon around.  Food always tastes better when it is cooked outside and

on this day it was exceptionally good.  After having our fill of potatoes and other

vegetables we then set about eating our dessert which was originally going to be

steamed apples, but everyone including myself wanted to play, so we decided to eat

our apples in the way one would normally eat an apple.


The day was getting on and we were all eager to get out into the field and play. 

We put the fire out and generally cleaned up where we had been eating, we hid the

pan and the tin lid for another day and we went into the field to play hide n seek.

We had a lot of fun running around and hiding and jumping into hedgerow bottoms

and climbing trees, we were having so much fun playing that we forgot about the time

and when we checked the time through Mark, Mark was the only one that ever wore a

 watch, a Timex watch that illuminated in the dark, I think he spent more time looking

at his watch in bed under the covers than what he did looking at it in normal daylight

hours, anyway, he told us in a very worried voice that it was just after 5pm.  As we

had almost 4 hours to walk to get back to our homes that meant that we were not

going to get home until after 9pm, we also we had to go home with the onset of

darkness looming which would not make things any easier.


We set off and started walking a fairly fast pace down the side of the dykes. 

We were making pretty good time, but the light was fading fast and it was

beginning to get harder to see where we were going, so consequently we started to

slow down a bit.  We kept getting a time check from Mark, not just because he liked

looking at his illuminous Timex watch, but because his father was very strict and it

was not uncommon for him to hit Mark with a belt or whatever else was on hand at

the time.  I knew my mum and dad would be mad and, but they would not hit me,

they would shout and tell me that I could not go out for a month or something, but

that would be about the total sum of the wrath I would feel.  Adi and Mike were in

similar boats to me, it was just poor old Mark that would really be in for it from his

dad.  It was approaching 9pm and we were still quite a long way from home, we

started to jog, but it was difficult because we were jogging at the side of the dyke

and at times losing our footing and falling over, plus the straw in the field was

slippery and this made it even more dangerous, but the desire to get home kept

us going.  The dark of the night was also creating images of us being followed by

ghost like figures or as we thought at the time, beings from another planet. 

To try to protect ourselves from these beings we started to talk out loud as we jogged,

I can remember asking Adi if he had his 12 bore shot gun loaded to which he replied

with a nervous and out of breath, but confident Yes, I have, and have you got

your knife in your pocket, Oz? (Oz was my nickname back then), to which I

replied Yes, I have, I also have my catapult with me

.  This banter went on between the four of us for a while and it made us feel safe. 


All of a sudden we heard something and we all stopped dead in our shoes, it

was someone shouting in the distance, actually several people shouting at the

same time.  I heard my name and then Adis, then Mikes and then Marks, it

sounded like our parents, we then picked up the pace, we were no longer jogging,

but running as fast as the surface would allow us to run and as we ran the voices

became louder and clearer until finally we could see images of people walking

towards us.  My dad was there, Mikes mum and dad were there, so were Adis

mum and dad and of course Marks dad was there, he was easy to pick out

because of his Goliath like statue.  We were then confronted by a barrage of

questions and statements that only parents can really get away with asking

and making Where the hell have you lot been? Dont you know how much

worry you lot have caused?, You are in for it when I get you home.

  The Police have been notified and are out looking for you, the neighbours

are also out looking. You cannot imagine how much trouble and worry you

lot have caused, do you know what can happen out here when it gets dark?

  We were tired, hungry, scared and upset with ourselves, the guilt we were

all feeling was very evident, but we were relieved that we were back listening

to familiar sounds, even if they were sounds that we knew had a pretty severe c

onclusion connected to them. 


I was surprised that Marks dad seemed the least upset out of all the other

parents; however, we did learn later that that was just a show because when

Mark got home he was belted and sent to his room.  The rest of us were

either grounded and our pocket money was stopped or we were barred from

doing other things we were used to doing for a while, but unlike Mark, thank

fully we were not hit.  The strange thing was that the point in the field at

which we met up with our parents was very close to the place where I had hidden

the brambles earlier on in the day and I can remember asking my dad if he

would go with me to collect them; the thing was I had promised to bring back

brambles for my mum and keeping promises were everything to me, they still are. 

My dad looked at me with a face of worried relief, and the surprise that I was

asking him such a question prompted him to reply Dont push your luck kid,

you have your mum to deal with when you get home.  I wouldnt want to be

in your shoes when we do get home.  Bloody brambles are the last thing on

your mums mind, dont you understand how serious all this is?

Well. Do you?  I can't remember what I replied but I think a few tears

came out.    


We were indeed all duly punished for what we had done, but we lived to fight

another day, actually many more days in terms of rambling adventures we later

went on, none quite as action packed as this one I might add, but memorable all

the same.   The end.



        〓 5.編集後記(メルマガ編集者らによる雑感コーナー) 














































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