〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 2009.12. 18発行.No14(毎週金曜日発行)〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓
                 株式会社 セイガンスピーク メールマガジン

Sagan Speak Co., Ltd  English  Educational  Newsletter


〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 今 週 の I N D E X 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓







           〓 1.気になる最近のニュース 〓

高校生の内定率、急落55.2% 下げ幅過去最大


カダフィ大佐、衛星通じ学生に持論 明大で対話集会


子どもの体力、向上せず 小5・中2全国調査


府立高に39歳校長 「橋下知事の友人」教委に事前連絡













 〓 2.弊社開発の新英語授業システム「リンクインシステム」のセミナー開催(その4)
































3.弊社所属の外国人派遣講師による日本の英語教育への提言(その7) 〓


■今週も弊社の派遣講師Angela Stark(アンジェラ・ストーク)による、彼女の経験を通した


    With  winter vacation nearly upon us, I’ve been reflecting on the experiences

and people I’ve encountered in the places to which I've traveled on previous

vacations.  The more memorable moments include: singing with new friends until

dawn in the living room of an abandoned Irish countryside mansion, laughing with

school children as our bus driver swerved through the curves of the Yangmingshan

Mountains, watching innovative play performed in the tunnels under the London

Underground, getting food poisoning in Sevilla during a summer heat wave, and

watching a painted elephant weave through street traffic in Bangkok.

    Every trip includes some element that I haven’t planned for: stomach problems,

unreliable transportation, my travel partner’s wallet being stolen, and so on. 

However, the good nearly always outweighs the bad, and in fact there's some good

to be found in the bad, as well; there's the joy of having survived, and with a

story to tell!

    My ten day trip to Taiwan two summers ago involved a pretty serious disaster,

 but I came out of it unscathed and smiling.

    By the sixth day of my trip, I had worked my way from Taipei down the east

coast all the way to the southern beach town of Kending (also spelled Kenting). 

I arrived in the late afternoon, and the NTD (New Taiwanese Dollars) I had

exchanged at the airport were running low; I didn’t have enough cash for a

room.  I eventually found a hotel that would take my debit card as payment

and booked a room for two nights.  I then headed out to get some cash and


    I put my card into the ATM at one of the many Seven Eleven stores in town

and punched in my code on the keypad.  3140?  3160?  3640?  I hadn’t used my

American bank account in many months, and couldn’t quite remember the PIN number.

  Every code I tried seemed to be wrong. 

Hmmm.  This could be a serious problem.

    I went to the counter and asked the clerk if she could use my card as a

credit card to pay for groceries.  She politely explained that they don’t

do that in Taiwan, and suggested I use the ATM.  I tried to explain my

predicament, and she directed me to a girl out front selling t-shirts, who

spoke more English.  The girl out front then called her sister—who spoke even

better English—and handed the phone to me.  The sister suggested I call my bank. 

Right.  Why didn’t I think of that?  There was only one problem: I didn’t

have enough cash left to buy an international phone card.  The t-shirt seller

came to my rescue, and loaned me what I needed.

    When I finally got the bank on the phone, they told me their system was

down, and I should call back in an hour.  Then when I called the second time,

they informed me that they could not access my PIN number; all they could do

was mail a new code to my American address in a few days, which wasn’t going

to help me at all. I was thankful for my bank's desire to keep my account

information secure, but I was also very hungry, tired, and stuck in a small

coastal town with tears on my cheeks and zero NTD.  At a loss, I tried the ATM

one more time.  It decided I obviously didn’t know my PIN number, and

refused to return the card.  Things just kept looking worse.

    The situation wasn’t completely hopeless, however; I had 14,000 yen in

cash. Unfortunately it was a Friday evening, meaning the banks wouldn’t be

open for a couple of days.  The girls at the t-shirt stand saw my predicament. 

They made some phone calls, found out what the current exchange rate was, and

changed part of my cash for me—at a better rate than I'd received at the airport! 

 I thanked them profusely, paid them back for the phone card, bought some dinner,

and headed back to my room to eat and draw up a budget for the rest of my trip.  A

day and a half later I took a bus to the city of Kaohsiung and exchanged my last

10,000 yen at a bank.  At the train station, I met a lovely Australian backpacker

who let me stay in her spare bedroom in Tainan and gave me advice about what to

see in town.  The next night, my Japanese host sister and her Taiwanese family took

me to dinner at the street stalls (where I was able to watch a man skin a live

snake, and then eat it the snake meat he prepared in soup with ginger—but that’s

another story).  I can't imagine my trip without the help of the girls in Kending,

the Australian on the train, and my host sister's family.

    Of course, I could have easily called the States and asked my parents to wire

me some money, but I'm too stubborn and independent for that.  Instead, I made the

tight budget part of my adventure.  The purpose of traveling, after all, is to

experience a new place.  I want to get the feel of an area by walking the same

streets as the locals, by visiting grocery stores and city parks.  Of course I'm

interested in classical architecture and history museums, but aimless wandering

is where you find the real magic.  It's the laughing old men belting out karaoke

in a small bar next to a dilapidated cemetery while you're getting sunburned trying

to find the bus stop.  It's the dragon parade found on a side street, the cages of

exotic birds lined up on the sidewalk, the shopkeepers dozing in the summer sun.

    Perhaps most importantly, it's the kindness of the people you meet along the



 〓 4.スティーブン自叙伝(第9話・前号からの続き) 〓


■以下は、本メルマガに連載形式にて好評掲載中の弊社 スティーブン・オーストウィック


 Sending Out A Search Party - continued

We finally arrived at our destination, we had had one or two little mishaps since the

encounter with Gibbo and his gang, but this time nature was the one dishing out the

pain and strangely enough providing the remedy to ease the pain.  I had walked a bit

too close to the side of the dyke and got nettled quite badly on my legs, if you have ever

been nettled then you will know that you get a lot of very itchy and painful white

swellings on your skin and it really is uncomfortable.  Dock leaves are usually ten a

penny and easy to find at the edge of the dyke and all you need to do is scrunch up one

to get the leaf to part with its juice and then rub it onto your skin that is exactly what

I did and relief followed pretty quickly after that.  My mate Mark managed to get stung

by a hornet, the king of the wasp family, I saw the thing land and try to deposit its venom

into his bare arm.  Mark actually knocked the hornet away before it could deposit its

stinger and luckily we were able to pull the stinger out with our fingers.  The magic

dock leaf juice was then applied to the sting which I dont think is natures remedy,

but at the time we thought that if it is good for nettle rashes it must be good for hornet

stings to be fair I think psychology was the true remedy on that day. 

We were now in a farmers field in Airmyn, our final destination, not just any old field,

but a field that we had traditionally made our field.  It had taken well over 4 hours to get

there, but were had finally made it.  We made it our field because it had so many

hedgerows that formed secret hiding places in the bottoms of the surrounding dykes so

for playing hide and seek and hounds and hares it was perfect.  There were also turnips in

the field that we could take and cook.  It was also near to a big apple orchard, from which

we would raid apples from, there was never any chance of getting caught raiding apples

because it was very big and not well taken care of, it almost looked like the apples were

growing wild but they were not, they were definitely cultivated and I have to say very

very tasty.  The apple orchard belonged to John Smiths Brewery, I think the brewery

planted the apple trees with visions of making their own cider, but these plans were

scrapped and the apples were never ever picked.  This was a great place to play, climbing

trees and picking apples without having dogs barking at you or people telling you to get

out or they will call the police, total and blissful fun and entertainment.  We were all

feeling a bit hungry, our brambles had been stolen and all we had to eat was some apples

we could raid, some potatoes my mate Mikes mum had given him and a turnip that we

could pluck from the field.  Making a fire was always a task in itself.  Mike and Mark

were cub scouts and they were well versed with rubbing sticks together to make fire, it did

eventually work, but it used to take a long time.  The other challenging thing was trying

to find something we could cook our potatoes, green beans, carrots, turnips and vegetable

soup in, which my mate Adi eventually came across.  Adi found an old pan in the apple

orchard that we cleaned using dyke water,  the dyke water was clear, so we thought that

as long as we heated it up it would kill all bacteria, that was the theory.  We plucked our

turnip out of the ground and together with the other vegetables we washed them and then

used our penknives to peel and chop them up, Adi got his Swiss army knife out to open the

can of soup and were then ready to start cooking, all the vegetable were in the pan with the

soup and all we needed was a fire.  Mike and Mark were still trying to get their sticks to

create friction, but were having difficulty, their palms were looking very sore so we all

chipped in with the rubbing part.  The tinder finally caught fire and we away, we put the

pan directly onto the fire and hoped for the best.  We found a lid off an old tin so we put that

on top of the pan to help our food cook and also to keep out the burnt embers that were

flying around.  My job was to look after the food while the others went off to collect the

dessert which was going to be stewed apples.  I was really looking forward to eating the food

and then playing in the field, and as I waited for the others to return, I thought how lucky

we were to live in the country, I could not imagine living in a town, sure they had cinemas

and the like, but we had fresh air, lots of gods clean fresh air and was satisfied.

To be continued. 


      〓 5.編集後記(メルマガ編集者らによる雑感コーナー) 

























(Toner Cuter Ver2)」でした。こうした環境対策に取り組む企業はもちろんのこと、みずほ











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