〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 2009.12. 4発行.No12(毎週金曜日発行)〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓
                 株式会社 セイガンスピーク メールマガジン

Sagan Speak Co., Ltd  English  Educational  Newsletter


〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 今 週 の I N D E X 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓


2. IELTS(アイエルツ)へのリンクインシステムの有効性とご質問への回答





〓 1.気になる最近のニュース 〓











〓 2.IELTS(アイエルツ)へのリンクインシステムの有効性の質問への回答〓


IELTS aiming to become Japan's 'new' English test





International English Language Testing System のことであり、国際的な英語能力




のテストとして認知されています。最近、米国でも TOEFL に代わる英語力判定テストと




















〓3.弊社所属の外国人派遣講師による日本の英語教育への提言(その5) 〓


■今週も弊社の派遣講師Angela Stark(アンジェラ・ストーク)による、彼女の経験を通した


The Daunting Podium

“Ms. Angela?”

Yesterday a student I had never met before popped her head into the teacher’s

office and asked for me.  She held in her hand a questionnaire for an upcoming

school publication.  The first question was, “What were you like as a child?” 

As a teacher, this is a question that is often on my mind.  In search of insight

about my students, I ask myself if I raised my hand in class, how I approached

homework, and also what kind of personality I had.

The answer to that last question—and this is the first word I wrote on the

survey—is shy.  As a child, I was the little girl who always hid behind her mom when

introduced to someone new.  I was also one of only two students with non-speaking

roles in my kindergarten class play.  My high school drama career continued the

theme of minimal stage time; I mostly managed sets and moved props.  This aversion

to public speaking persisted through college; I still remember giving an awkwardly

hurried speech on Margaret Sanger and my teacher’s constructive but clearly

disappointed comments afterwards.  Indeed, even as recently as five years ago,

if you had asked me if I could see myself teaching junior high school, I would

have laughed at you. Me? Stand in front of a classroom and speak with authority?

Yet somehow, here I am, teaching for five hours a day and actually enjoying it. 

I gradually lost my stage fright (out of necessity), and as the fear dissipated,

it was replaced by a passion for teaching that I never expected to find.

Nevertheless, there are still times when I dread the classroom; there are days

when I am not sure that I have what it takes.  So when my students hesitate to raise

their hands for fear of making a mistake or standing out among their peers, I

can’t blame them.  I understand how they feel, and I haven’t yet forgotten how

difficult it was be a thirteen year old girl.

What I can do is try to encourage them, just as my teachers did for me.  When my

students aren’t raising their hands (which is increasingly often as they get older

and more self-conscious), I call on them by name.  That smile that comes from the

shyest girl in the class when she answers a question—that’s what keeps me coming

back to the podium.

Who knows?

 Maybe in fifteen years she’ll be standing in front of a podium herself.

“The man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are the portals

of discovery.”  —James Joyce


 〓 4.スティーブン自叙伝(第9話) 〓

Sending Out A Search Party – continued(その3)


■本メルマガに連載形式にて好評掲載中の弊社 スティーブン・オーストウィック


Sending Out A Search Party continued .... 

With the sun still shining brightly and its warmth encouraging beads of beads of

sweat out onto our foreheads we picked ourselves up off the floor, scattered the

straw we had been sitting on back into the field and we set off again with our

final destination still far off into the distance.  We were now walking at a fairly

fast pace and making good time, so another hour or so and we would be making a fire

and eating some food.  We still had to go through a turnip field, this field would

hopefully provide an ingredient for our stew that we were hoping to cook on the

open fire, that is if we were able to find some sort of vessel to cook it in. 

One of my mates mothers had given him some potatoes and another mates mother had

given him some green beans, some carrots and a tin of Heinz vegetable soup so

we were set for making a good stew. 

The good thing about summer time in England is being able to go out into the

countryside and collect wild fruit, mushrooms and other wild vegetables and on this

particular day we were very lucky because we came across an abundance of wild bush

fruit.  Where I come from wild bush fruit either meant endless jars of jam or

preserve being made and kept in a pantry or the fruit being frozen, so summer time

fruit could be put into pies and eaten during the winter and spring months. 

What happened to fruit after one had picked it all depended on what generation

ones mum came from.  Most of my mates mums were considerably younger than my mum,

so when it came to wild fruit picking my mates were never that interested, but

seeing all these ripe and juicy looking brambles or blackberries hanging off their

very prickly bushes was too much of a temptation to resist, even for my mates, 

for me it was like a dream come true.

Brambles or blackberries are really delicious and nutritious to eat, but they

can be quite difficult to pick and collect, one really has to wade into the bushes to

get at the big juicy berries and if one is not wearing the right sort of clothes one

has to be prepared to get scratched to high heaven in the process.  There are also

the bees and the wasps and hornets that one sometimes has to fight off as well,

everyone wants to get the big juicy berries and insects are no exception to this

desire.  Although I have to say that from my experiences I have always picked

brambles in less than the right garb and I have never been stung, maybe this is

because I always leave enough fruit on the bushes for nature to have its fill and

more.  It is all about give and take in life, and if as kids we are open enough and

aware enough through our understanding and possible interaction with nature as we

are growing up, this will help to teach us and prepare us for many of the trials and

tribulations that we will face later on in our lives.  If you are stung in nature

you will be stung in life, leaving enough fruit on the bramble bushes for nature to

have its fill has always served me well as a good enough metaphor for

understanding and explaining the true meaning of Give and taketo others. 

Anyway, back to the bramble picking part of my story.  A couple of my mates had

thin jackets and summer sweaters wrapped around their waists which they took off and

put on in reverse, so they could protect their arms as they reached into the bushes.

I just had a T shirt on, so as usual I had to be careful, I started picking

brambles pretty much as soon as I came out of the womb and my mum and dad were old

school when it came to bramble picking and the like which meant that I had somewhat

of an advantage over my mates.  All we then needed was something to put the brambles

in.  One of my mates found an old two litre plastic bottle which he cut in half with

a piece of flint, he kept running the sharp edge of the flint up and down the length

of the bottle until he had scored a deep enough line to allow the bottle to be pulled

apart.  Another mate found an old supermarket bag that had been blowing around in the

wind and go caught up in the hedgerow.  That left only me without something to put

my fruity find in.  I looked around all over the place, but could not find anything

at all, so I decided to try to make something.  I remembered my father showing me how

to weave a sort of basket using twigs and thin tree roots so I thought I would have a

crack at making something similar.  I managed to find the twigs and roots that I

needed and sat down and made/wovbe my basket, it did not look anything like the one

my dad had shown me how to make, but for a nine year old it was not so bad, and it

would certainly do the trick.

During the time I had been fashioning my basket my mates had been picking lots of

brambles and putting more in their stomachs than into their containers, they had

not been too fussy about checking for creepy crawlies or maggots and other insects

that tend to live on the outside of the berries before eating them either, so a couple

of my mates were complaining of stomachache.  It is obviously better to wash wild

fruit in water before eating it, but we did not have any water, so at the very least

a quick check for creepy crawlies and then a blow was in order before eating it, that

is what I was taught to do anyway.  I set about picking and quickly amassed a large

amount of brambles in my basket, I must have picked about five pounds of them and

they were all big juicy ones.  I decided I had picked enough and I was still friends

with the insects that had accompanied me through my picking, I was pretty much

unscathed in terms of scratches and nettle stings, well, compared to my mates anyway,

who were scratched and stung all over.  My mates and I all had short pants on and

wading in should have been an absolute no no, but if you have ever been berry

picking you will know that the event itself can be so exiting and so overwhelming

that it is easy to forget about things like not wearing enough clothes because

all you are focused on at the time is picking the biggest and juiciest looking fruit.

My intention was to hide my brambles somewhere nearby and then pick them up on the

way back and take them home for my mum to bake pies with and make jam.  I asked

my mates if they were going to take their brambles home as well and they all said

No, so I ended up with all my mates ones as well.  Some of my brambles were falling

out of the basket onto the floor because they were right up to the brim, so I

picked them up and put them very carefully and very gently back into the basket. 

I then went off to find a hiding place, I found a good place under a nearby tree

and covered the basket with straw and twigs to conceal it completely.  I kept a

few brambles in a bag to take along on the journey, I thought these would provide

a bit of a desert for us later.  For me, the hiding was the fun part, wondering

if what I had hidden would be there on my return journey.  We were finally off

again on our travels, but not for long.

We were just about to cross over from one field into the next, which meant

jumping across a dyke, when we were pounced on by what must have been twenty five

or thirty boys.  Of course we knew who most of the boys were, they were all older

than us and they all had reputations for being what we would call rum lads,

bullies, thieves, and general trouble causers.  First the farmer, now a gang of

boys that were out to put four nine year olds through something that still remains

in my memory as a very frightening experience.    To be continued next week.

        〓 5.編集後記(メルマガ編集者らによる雑感コーナー) 〓































る場合、「I think that I want to go to〜 」としがちですが、この場合、「I think that













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申込期間 11月28日〜2010年2月8日 

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内 容  前半はイタリアオペラの名アリアを聴きながら、オペラの魅力と歌声の秘密につ


グスト・エナ作曲 飯村孝夫訳詞)全曲をご鑑賞いただきます。

日 時  2009年12月12日 土曜日 14:0016:00 (開場 13:30)

受講料  前売り2500円  当日券3000円

定 員  400名

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詳 細  http://www.seibi.ac.jp/college/el/el_f.html




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 電 話 03-5493-8193

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